Sunday 8 May 2011

Skinny Lattes

Oh gosh! Had a amazing day in central London! The weather was nice, little bit windy, but warm and we walked through Soho, China Town to Trafalgatar square, then Covent Garden and back to Oxford Street. It was so much fun and I took finally photos like a tourist. Have to send some of them to my family, that they can finally see, “yeah I live in London and I have seen those famous places”.

Realized today how happy I’m right now to live in London. London’s summer is the best time of the year, winter was dark and rainy and cold, mostly because it was freezing inside! Finnish people should be so happy about their double glazing windows and warm houses.

I felt so relaxed when we sat on a Costa Café drinking skinny lattes and watching people outside. I realized that this was the life I had dream about couple of years ago. I had dreamed about cafés and restaurants, interesting conversations and friends. Okay let’s break the bubble, mostly it’s just normal life, too long working hours, jeans and messy hair, but today it was what I had dreamed about.  It was life in a metropolitan. It was love, coffee and the city.
What else could I ask for?



  1. Yes, I thought living in a big metropolitan would be like a dream every day, but reality is reality. I hate my job and the trip there in the mornings is the dark part of my day. Not feeling uplifted by the city one bit. There's just so many people and cars on the streets and people quite uptight.

    But sometimes I gotta stop and look around and understand that I've achieved a lot in the past years. I have great group of friends, steady job that pays the bills, loving husband and aspirations. And this big city that has everything to offer for a dreamer like me.

    Happy and inspirational Sunday!

  2. Oh thank u! That's so true about living in the city, most of the time it's stressful, hard and busy.

    But there is those moments when u realise that u're living at ur dream at the moment, even if it's not exatly the same what u dreamed about.

    Thank u for commenting!
